
I heard a piece of very good news this morning and I was so happy that I almost cried.

My son won the second prize of the English story-telling contest held by his school.

Today was really my son's day and I believed he would be happy all day long.



Today is a busy day.

I thought my boss would be in office this morning and be absent in the afternoon.

However, he was out of office this morning and came in office afternoon and that ruined my plan.



Every time my period is coming, I feel tired and have a headache.

More than that, I have cramps on my period almost every time.

At that moment, I always wish that I was a man.



My son lent his friend his Garmin watch on Friday and I didn't knew that until Saturday morning.

I was very angry at my son for his not cherishing his possessions.

Both my husband and I thought his watch might not be returned anyway.



My son always get up early on the weekend.

I feel very confused that he always looks tired on weekdays.

Why doesn't he sleep a bit longer on the weekend?



We went to see the Pokémon Detective Pikachu yesterday and that movie was really funny.

However, my son was still terrified of the bad guy in the movie.

He had a nightmare last night and I didn't want to take him to see movies in the movie theater  anymore.


As I expected, my son's watch wasn't returned by his classmate yesterday.

It has been cold one day and hot the next recently.

That makes me can't have good night's sleep.



My son's watch was returned by the woman who takes care of children on the school bus.

At that moment, I realized my son lied to me again.

He forgot ask his classmate to return his watch and he was afraid I gave him a piece of my mind.



It became so cold last night that I didn't sleep well.

I have had some difficulty developing app recently.

However, my boss wants me to demo the app everyday and that is a bit annoying.



Finally, I solved the problem of playing the rtsp on my Android application.

Hope today is a happy Friday and that means my boss will be out of office all day long.

I've been too busy to keep writing my blog posts recently.









*win the second prize:贏得第二名

*on one's period:生理期

*have cramps:生理痛

*be angry at sb. for sth.:為了某事對某人生氣

*cherish one's possessions:珍惜某人的財物

*on the weekend:在周末

*on weekdays:在平日

*be terrified of:很害怕

*It's cold one day and hot the next:天氣忽冷忽熱

*have good night's sleep:晚上睡得好

*give sb a piece of your mind:教訓sb.

*have some difficulty (in) Ving:在做...遇到一些困難

*write a blog post:寫部落格

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